
Hikaye ve Künye


Two adults who are at the spring of their life not knowing anything.They love each other with an immortal love and big passion.The situation is such one can not breath when the other does not exist.As if one of them goes from their lives the oxygen at the atmosphere terminates.Without considering anybody else,without obeying the rules they only love each other.It is the golden age when person has maximum strength and also finds the strength in himself-herself to disobey life and rules of the life.For this reason these kind of crazy loves are scary.For this reason young ladies and men is wanted to be grown up immediately.

Selim….person making rock music,rebellious young man from Istanbul.Zeynep is a kind of maiden never  disobeying her family,her sole purpose is to have her eduacation and make her family happy.She is a typical rural maiden.Hence two characters far away from each other like moon and sun.But love hits people in these unexpected situations.Selim fort he first time learns to get tied.The importance of making sacrificies for somebody else.

Zeynep due to Selim realizes the small world she had been caught.Her horizon starts to grow.She realizes she narrows her own life with her own rules.

Both of them together discover love.But as they live their love without considering anybody and without thinking the consequences seperation becomes inevitable.The old world and the rules of the society defined for long years has no tolerance to this kind of rebellious reactions.But love also is intolerable of the interference from outside because againist all odds it is love who will save us.

Fish came out from water is the movie of love and youth.


Focus Film


Nilgün Sağyaşar


Ethem Özişik – Eylem Akin – Filiz Alpgezmen


Cevriye Demir


Burak Sağyaşar (Selim), Ezgi Eyüboğlu (Zeynep), İbrahim Aslan (Kerem)
Kübra Balcan (Merve), Mert Asker (Kamil-tombiks), Burcu Altin (Gökçe),
Payidar Tüfekçioğlu (Hüseyin), Övül Avkiran (Gülten), Yeliz Aytar (Esra), Cevdet Aricilar (Muharrem), Neriman Uğur (Seval), Cahit Berkay (Hilmi), Feyza Işik (Duygu), Deniz Özkan (Ömer)
